
Auto-publish to staging using WebDAV

Uploading files to the webapps folder using WebDAV will “auto-publish” the uploaded files directly to the staging environment.

If you need to reload a webapp because you upload code or other things that require the web module to be reloaded, you can do this automatically as well. There are two ways of doing this.

  • In the content designer there is a Reload war action in each of the folders below the webapps.
  • Calling: https:///bcmportlet/developer/developer/reload?appName=

(i.e apps or global). This url is security restricted using basic authentication, and require a valid username and password for the relevant system.

This feature is not available on production system, where code is deployed with a publish to production.

Getting Code and JavaDoc

You can download the relevant jar files directly from the relevant system, which also ensures that you have the files that your specific system use.The files are exposed in the same WebDAV that you use to upload files to the webapps folder. There is a developer folder on the root level, which exposes the individual jar files, but also a “” which is just a zipped version of the jar files (so you do not need to download all files individually). The zip file is first generated when you try and download it, so both size and modification time may not be correct.

Since WebDAV is http based you can download the file by calling:


As with everything in WebDAV it is security restricted using basic authentication, and require a valid username and password for the relevant system The folder will also contain a JavaDoc jar file with the newest JavaDoc for the APIs. You can rename the .jar file to .zip and use an unzip tool to read the file.

Agillic always does updates to staging and production environment at the same time. So you can always download from staging and know it is the same on production.